Tuesday: Rituals…

1 03 2011

I don’t have many daily rituals. I have many theoretical ones, ones I’d like to implement.. for better health both mentally and physically. But realistically my days are run by the boys ( they are the alarm clock) and their daily needs dictate the running of our days (food, naps). I also find myself stuck in the time sucks that are Facebook and interesting websites.

So my rituals are sporadic and far between. Like yoga at night, that was a beloved ritual that got bumped out by a small child who was going to sleep later and getting up very quickly after. Morning smoothies that got tedious after realizing unless I could wash all parts of my blender and juicer right away it turned into some amazing kind of organic cement. Even washing face before bed seems to get the better of me. Bedtime means NOW, even if it’s after 3 hours of watching TV with my husband. Which is a very important part of us being together.. for the most part, our only version of being together without kids. Yikes, right?

My new rituals are the things in my life that demand some sort of schedule, like cloth diapers and mama pads. They require a kind of system to keep it moving and flowing. Also my new/old venture into NFP (Natural Family Planning using my handy dandy iPhone!) requires a new ritual of taking my temperature before getting out of bed. And my new tea ritual. Drinking green tea with lemon and honey every morning. mmmmm….

Rituals. I like them. I want them to become a part of me, of my everyday. I stumbled across this link somewhere just a few minutes ago. It was so nice to read. To think about how I want to start everyday. I was a wee bit jealous of the women who get to lounge in their beds or roll out onto a yoga mat without any distractions, or even take a BATH every morning! OH the luxury of it all!

But then I guess that just means I need to eek out a little ME time every morning. Things that are truly uplifting, inspiring, that giggly kind of feeling when its summer time and the sun is shining on you and you have nothing you need to do in that moment. I want to create that every … well.. MOST days.  Set my intentions.

So from here forward I vow to find time for my rituals. To create the fun, creative, joy filled, yellow and white (I think in colours) morning rituals to start my day with 🙂 and to find the quiet blue and green and purple rituals to end it 🙂

On a random side note before I leave. I’ve always thought in colors. Days have colors, people, numbers, houses, songs… you name it I probably have a color associated with it in my mind. And I’ve reconnected with that part of me as of late. It’s like painting with my thoughts. 🙂




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